Knowing about safe sleeping positions for babies is important in ensuring a safety sleep environment and preventing the take a chance of sudden infant decease syndrome (SIDS). SIDS falls nether the category of sudden unexpected decease in infancy (SUDI) and is majorly linked to the position in which the baby sleeps. Thus, knowing what positions are safe for your baby to sleep in is of import to help prevent unexpected situations. Likewise, knowing a few tips that volition help reduce the risk of SIDS helps go a long way (1). Ane example of such a position of condom sleeping in babies is the supine position, in which the babe, who is less than a twelvemonth old, is made to slumber on their back. Read on to know more about safe sleeping positions for babies and tips on sleep condom.

The Good And Bad Positions For A Baby To Sleep

It is essential to learn about the safe and unsafe sleeping positions for a babe to deal with the above risks (2).

ane. Slumber on back

Good for you babies born full-term should be placed on their backs for naps, short periods of rest, and sleep at night.

  • 'Sleep on the back' position was plant to lessen the risk of SIDS in babies, as it keeps airways open.
  • The United states of america National Institute of Child Health and Human Evolution (NICHD) labeled this as the all-time sleeping position for babies (3).
  • Since the American University of Pediatrics made the 'back-to-slumber' recommendation in 1992, the SIDS rate has dropped more than fifty%. The 'back-to-slumber' recommendation was later campaigned as 'safe to sleep' (4).

Risks Involved In 'Sleep On Back' Position

If infants are placed on the dorsum for a long time, it may lead to 'positional plagiocephaly,' a case of flattened or misshapen head and 'brachycephaly,' the flattening of the dorsum of the skull. The shape will go normal by the time they turn one year and rarely requires any treatment Simple repositioning techniques may exist employed to avert such weather. They include:

  • Increasing 'tummy fourth dimension' of the baby when awake
  • Making the baby residue on the other side of the head rather than the flat side.
  • Cut down the time spent by babies in carriers or motorcar-seats.
  • Getting more 'cuddle fourth dimension'.
  • Irresolute the direction of the baby in the crib so that they do not always view the same things, and in one direction always.

2. Sleep on stomach

Several theories discourage parents from making a babe sleep on the stomach because:

  • Information technology could put pressure on a infant'due south jaw, reducing the airway and restricting jiff.
  • If the babe sleeps on the stomach, i.e., in the prone position, they may be lying with the face very close to the sheets and breathing the same air.
  • The babe may suffocate while sleeping on the stomach if the mattress is very soft.
  • The baby may also breathe in microbes present on the mattress.

When Can Babies Sleep On Stomach?

In rare cases, due to a medical condition, doctors may suggest parents to make the baby sleep on the stomach rather than the dorsum.

  • A few physicians believe that sleeping on the tummy could exist skillful for babies with severe gastroesophageal reflux or sure upper-airway malformations like Pierre Robin Syndrome, which atomic number 82 to acute airway obstruction episodes. However, no recent study supported or refuted the benefits. Healthcare providers should consider the potential benefits and risks before recommending this position.
  • The danger of vomiting was the most important argument for making the baby sleep on its stomach. This is because doctors believed that it would exist unsafe if the babe vomits while sleeping on the back. They argued that babies might choke on their vomit, due to lack of enough force to plow the head. However, babies sleeping on their backs may not have equally much difficulty turning their heads and vomiting the contents of the stomach out.
  • As well, you may brand a babe with colic sleep on the breadbasket to salvage them of gas. However, do non do it immediately later on feeding them. Let there exist some gap between the feed and the slumber fourth dimension.

 iii. Slumber on the side

Information technology is unsafe for babies to slumber on the side because they may end upwards on the stomach, increasing the take a chance of SIDS.

In improver to the good and bad sleeping positions, you lot must also know about the sleeping practices that could lead to a sudden unexpected death in infants.

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Sleeping Practices That Could Lead To Sudden Unexpected Death In Infancy (SUDI)

SUDI includes both SIDS and other fatal sleeping accidents. Here are a few practices that could pb to SUDI:

  • Making the babe sleep on the tum or side.
  • Putting the baby to slumber on soft surfaces such as mattress, sofa, waterbed, pillow, or lamb's wool, either with or without a parent around.
  • Covering the baby's head or confront with bedding, which may cause adventitious suffocation and overheat.
  • Smoking during pregnancy or after childbirth.

SIDS can be a meaning take chances and should be considered when you follow certain steps to ensure that your baby sleeps safely.

xi Tips For Prophylactic Babe Sleep

For babies who are good for you and under one yr of age, sleeping on the back is the platonic position. Notwithstanding, some actress measures would be helpful to ensure prophylactic sleep for your babe (1).

  1. Avoid loose bedding: Information technology is advisable to utilize a firm mattress rather than an overly soft mattress, waterbed, or sofa for your baby. Experts advise against the usage of bumper pads, pillows, fluffy bedding or stuffed animals around the baby in the crib. In elementary words, anything that could embrace a baby's head or face during sleep is not recommended.
  1. Keep the crib simple: Do not use wedges, quilts, or comforters nether an infant in the crib. Let the baby sleep with the feet touching the bottom of the crib so that he tin't wriggle downwards under the bedding. Use a business firm, clean mattress that fits the cot well and tuck in the bedclothes securely. The sides or ends of the crib should be high enough to prevent the baby from climbing out or crawling out.
  1. Avoid covering the babe's head: Blankets should exist covered only upwardly to the chest of the baby with artillery exposed, to avoid the shifting of the coating onto the head and thereby preventing suffocation. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using 'sleep sack' or 'baby sleep purse' as a type of bedding to keep him warm without covering the head. Sleeping bags with a fitted neck and armholes and no hood are considered the safest. Wrapping a baby in lightweight cotton or muslin as well helps in preventing him from rolling onto the stomach during slumber.
  1. Avert overheating: Infants should exist clothed lightly for sleep. Avoid over-bundling and check if the baby is not hot to affect.
  1. Good sleep environs: It is important to maintain a considerably cool sleeping environment with a temperature of effectually 20oC for the babe.
  1. Vaccination: An investigation done on diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunization and potential SIDS association by the Berlin School of Public Wellness has concluded that increased DTP immunization coverage is associated with decreased SIDS mortality (5). Electric current recommendations on timely DTP immunization should be emphasized and followed to forbid not only specific infectious diseases but also potentially SIDS.
  1. Use a pacifier (at sleep times): The American University of Pediatrics considers pacifiers could prevent SIDS. Even so, do not force the baby if they do not want it or if information technology falls out of the rima oris. If you lot are breastfeeding, wait until it is well established before offset to employ a pacifier. Information technology usually takes around three to four weeks of age for the baby to get comfortable with breastfeeding.
  1. Use technology: If yous are worried about the baby's sleeping position, especially when they are in a split room, use Wi-Fi baby monitors, app-powered thermostats, or small alarms to monitor the slumber position likewise as vitals of your infant.
  1. Avoid use of products that claim to foreclose or reduce SIDS. This is crucial equally scientifically, there is no known way to prevent SIDS. Safety and efficacy of wedges, positioners, or other such products that claim to prevent SIDS are non proven. On the reverse, various incidents have been reported where these products have been associated with injury and death when used in the baby's sleep surface area (vi).
  1. Share the aforementioned room: You may share the same room with the infant for convenient breastfeeding and contact. The crib in which the baby sleeps should exist closer to parents.
  1. Avoid sharing the bed: Experts suggest that infants ideally should not share the bed with parents, adults, siblings, or other children. Twins or multiples may be made to sleep separately. Do non share a bed with your baby, especially if yous or your partner have been drinking, smoking, or taking medications or drugs that could induce deep slumber. Smoking and the employ of a substance like drugs or booze significantly increase the risk of SIDS and suffocation in babies, if the bed is shared.

Oft Asked Questions

one. What if the baby rolls onto the stomach while sleeping?

Effectually four to five months of age, babies begin to roll over onto their tummy from their back (seven). This can exist alright as the SIDS chance generally lowers past this fourth dimension. Let the baby find a comfortable sleeping position; they may exist able to turn the face to the side to proceed the mouth and olfactory organ gratuitous for breathing when sleeping on the tum. In any instance, always place the baby on the back when you put them down on the bed to sleep.

Note that the SIDS risk is at a peak between one and iv months of age, just it remains a threat until babies are 12 months old. So, follow other precautions to reduce the gamble of SIDS all through your baby's outset yr.

ii. Why does my baby slumber in fencing reflex while in the back-to-sleep position?

Babies exhibit many involuntary movements equally they abound. One such movement is the Fencing Reflex or Tonic Cervix Reflex (eight). When placed on the back-to-sleep position, the baby's head turns to one side with the arm and leg of that side extended, while the other arm and leg are flexed. This is called the fencing position, which helps forbid a infant from rolling over onto the stomach earlier the torso is ready for information technology. This is i more than reason for putting your babe to slumber on the dorsum. This involuntary move will disappear someday between 3 to six months of age.

3. When can the babe be on its tum?

The baby may be put on the tum, merely under supervision, when awake. Giving tummy time for babies is a proficient mode to strengthen their stomach, back, and neck muscles.

Co-ordinate to Dr. Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, clinical professor, community health and human development, University of California Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Plan, SIDS risk is lowered with babies spending more than tummy time when they are awake (9). Moreover, the baby would develop upper body strength needed to lift the head and roll over in sleep.

4. Can I utilise babe slumber positioners for my baby?

In that location is no US FDA approval for infant sleep positioners to reduce or prevent the risk of SIDS in babies.

5. What if babies throw upwards when sleeping on the back?

There is a low risk for salubrious babies to choke on vomit when made to sleep on their backs than on their sides or tummies. Sleeping on the dorsum does not increment choking hazard in babies with gastroesophageal reflux disease either. But practice not put the baby to bed with a bottle propped for feeding. This exercise could lead to ear infections and choking.

6. What to do if my babe has difficulty sleeping on the back?

A few infants may non take a deep sleep in the dorsum-to-sleep position. Some may fifty-fifty become fussy when placed on the back.

The infant may not feel comfortable sleeping on the back if they have a congested olfactory organ. In such a instance, place a humidifier in the baby's room to moisten the air and loosen the congestion. Elevating the head slightly could minimize the discomfort from a stuffy olfactory organ.

7. What if my baby throws up while sleeping?

If your baby throws up, turn their caput to the side. Clean up the vomit and alter the bedding before you put the babe back to sleep over again.

eight. What are the best sleeping positions for preterm babies?

According to a research study, preterm infants are at a college SIDS hazard, and they are to be placed on the back-to-slumber position (x). Notwithstanding, in a highly monitored inpatient setting, slumber on stomach position may be advisable in case of astute respiratory disease in preterm infants.

Sleeping position is crucial to forestall the risk of SIDS in babies, specially under 12 months of age. Whether it is a full-term or preterm baby, sleeping on the back is considered prophylactic unless directed otherwise past a doc due to some medical condition.

If you accept whatsoever tips to ensure the safety of a infant while sleeping, do share with us in the comments department below.


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Dr. Rajeev Ranjan is a senior neonatologist and pediatrician at the Nidan Mother And Child Care Clinic in Noida, India. He completed his Md from Tsma-Tver Medical University, Russia, in 2005, DCH from Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College (Mumbai), and FCH, MCH (Delhi) in 2004. With xviii years of experience, Dr. Ranjan is a member of the Indian Medical... more than

Swati Patwal is a clinical nutritionist and toddler mom with over eight years of experience in various fields of nutrition. She started her career every bit a CSR projection coordinator for a healthy eating and agile lifestyle project catering to schoolhouse children. So she worked every bit a nutrition kinesthesia and clinical nutrition coach in different organizations. Her interest in scientific writing... more than